Monday, March 18, 2013

INTP and INTJ. Multiple Results and Cognitive Functions

The personality quizzes can be a bit vague, so I have taken about 10 different ones to gauge my type, which was either always INTP or INTJ. However, to really gauge your type, you must undestand your cognitive functions as the descriptions can be a bit broad or too extreme. I believe that the discrepancy is in the quizzes themselves as some put more emphasis on behavior, while others put more emphasis on thinking. I am still trying to figure out for sure which type I am because my thinking and behavior shows traits from both types.

Overall, I think my thinking is often INTJ, while my behavior is INTP.

Here are the first of my cognitive results that indicate INTP. I'll post the conflicting results of when I get INTJ shortly. What are your thoughts about this disconnect and variance of results?

I have a lot of J functions as well as P functions. Perhaps, based on our moods and stage in life, we can gravitate between two personality types. Many experts will say that the INTJs and INTPs process the world and thoughts very differently, and are therefore are indeed different. However, I don't agree that these types are drastically different, but rather have many similairites.

Knowing your true type consists of not only taking multiple tests, especially cognitive functions test, which tend to be less vague than general MBTI Jungian tests, but also reading the description, and being honest about how you actually are naturally, rather than how you want to be. I notice in myself that my lack of time management is indeed a problem in my professional and financial life. It was easier when I was younger and had less responsibilities, but now, I have trouble with it. So, I am trying to become more efficient with my time. I am ambitious, but my time management issues become my obstacle, so I am working on that. Due to this, I sometimes type as INTJ because the qualities of being organized and decisive is more INTJ.  We certainly can learn from other types and should seek to strengten our weakness to reach a healthy place. However, I have learned to not mistake these acquired skills from your natural propensities.

Here is a few cognitive functions quizzes that are quite good. While I get mixed results with regular MBTI quizzes, I find cognitive skills tests are more accurate. I find the third quiz least accurate of the three, especially because of it's secondary guess of my type. This is because while I employ social skills easily, I am definitely not an E (extrovert), but am rather a moderate to strong introvert. I am polite and friendly due to my experience and upbringing, and like to learn about cultures and discuss intellectual topics with others, but I prefer to be alone 80% of the time.

Please tell me your accuracy of results after taking the quizzes.


  1. Wow, I'm not the only INTP to mis-type themselves as INTJ! This is so interesting!

  2. I am an INTJ with INTP tendencies, and I found it is mainly when I am stressed I revert to my J traits, but when I am relaxed I tend to be more open-minded and explore the more P thought process.

    1. This is very interesting! What particular J traits do you revert to when stressed?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am an INTJ who occasionally verges into the realm of the INFJ. The only thing I can figure is I was more of an F when I was younger, but as I grew up I became less of a 'people pleaser' because it was simply exhausting and a waste of my time and, generally, pleasing everyone else just makes you miserable. However, I have retained the 'psychic skill' of INFJs in getting feelings about people: Some people I instinctively like, others I instinctively do not want to be around at all (and am generally correct in their being 'bad' in some way.) I tend to lean more F when around people I genuinely care about and aren't stressed in some way.

  4. Based on your cognitive functions (Ti Ne Si Fe) it means you're an INTP.
    Your Ti is more than Te, your Ne is more than Ni, your Si is more than Se, and your Fe is more than your Fi.

  5. It's so bizarre that the two first tests pointed out the Fi as quite well used, but the third showed it as the most poorly developted function. Shows the inconsistency in asks and the interpretation. Happens a lot with me; one test says I'm INFP because Fi, other INTJ because practicality and other INTP because Ti. I settled with the INTP with self-analysis but, really. Why such a huge gap?

    1. Thanks for your comment. I'm still a bit perplexed by the huge gap as well. I do think it's the phrasing of some of the questions on different tests. Some place more emphasis on behavior and others more emphasis on thought patterns and preferences.

      I also think that for most of my life, I have been an INTJ. Earlier tests showed this, but I have become more congenial, more INTP in my demeanor, when I started working to fit more into the corporate culture. The fact is that you can be highly intelligent, but if you're not liked enough or connect enough in the workplace, you don't get recognized or appreciated as much. I used to be much more reserved, and now make an effort to be more genial, so my behavior seems more friendly like an INTP. I'm still very much an introvert, but I've gotten older, I've also become a little less introverted, and more interested in connecting with people with my interests. But I can only take a maximum 2 hours of socialization a day without feeling drained, other than with my best friend or husband.

      I also think that the tests are skewed when one takes it during different periods in their life. When I am doing well emotionally and mentally and on top of things, I exhibit INTJ traits, such as being organized and planning, though I'm not always decisive as I do copious amounts of research on things before making a decision. But when I let things slide a little and am not on top of things or when I'm stressed, I exhibit some INTP traits. I get overwhelmed and a bit scattered when I'm stressed, especially if I'm around a lot of people who are placing too many demands on me. In this state, the house gets messy and procrastinate and do a lot of avoidance behaviors. This in turn makes me quite depressed.

      Sorry if this comment is a bit long winded and convoluted, but I wanted to elaborate as I'm interested in your feedback.

      Ultimately, perhaps I need to just read and analyze a large number of descriptions of the two types. Which sites have you used in your assessment?
