Friday, January 6, 2012

INTJs and Minimalism

I don't think all INTJs are minimalist, but from reading on, I get the sense that many are or desire to be. That is because although INTJs hate the mundane, they also like structure and are very focused internally.

INTJ Minimalist Fashion Style
Many minimalist also seem to love to wear black. I think it is because they like a simple, minimalist wardrobe.
This is ironic because for as long as I can remember, save for a few years of experimentation when I first started working because I wanted to fit into corporate culture at the advice of a friend, I wore only black, red, blue and antique white/ivory. Although I did not use the title in junior high or high school, I was a covert goth, listening to the music and dressing in the colors, but not overly screaming for attention with extreme outfits. I still have the same gothic interests, such as poetry, literature, opera, gothic rock, and I de-cluttered my closet to find that my favorite items were still black, red and ivory. I do have the occasional indigo and purple, but I try not to as they don't match with the rest of my items.

Why a Simple or Minimalist Lifestyle is Appealing for INTJs
I find that when my apartment is full of too much stuff, or even when I don't have much as in my previous studio, and the apartment gets cluttered, I cannot work well until I clean it up. Even when it is clean, I take great pleasure from organizing my things periodically. However, this has resulted in many days wasted just reorganizing stuff. As a result, I made a decision in 2007 to embark on  a simpler, more minimalist lifestyle. Being an INTJ, I was not following the pack, especially in New York. Everet Bogue was not even on the scene yet. lol. (He just turned out to be a marketer and a fake, something INTJs detest anyway, because after he made loads of money on his book, he abandoned minimalisim with a new site called "F**k Minimalism.)

In any case, while I have certainly reached peaks and valleys on the simple living / minimalist path, but have stayed on it for the most part, periodically de-cluttering. I have had a new fire lately as I get older, and want to accomplish my life goals. I find that too many possessions distracts me from those goals, and causes wasted time and stress. I desire a life of intellectual richness and complexity, like many INTJs do, not one of "keeping up with the Joneses" or displaying your success through possessions as most of society does. I think it is an INTJ quality to look for solutions and improvement of things, and minimalism has been my solution to creating a more fulfilling and meaningful life for myself.

If you want to learn more about minimalism or how to go about starting a minimalist lifestyle or simply de-cluttering, check out my other blog (formerly

Please share your INTJ experiences and thoughts about possessions, fashion, minimalism, etc.


  1. I am an INTJ and detest clutter. As a professional artist it is important that my work area be organized for maximal creative use. Unlike non INTJ artists I am good at business, math and am bale to utilize both hemispheres of my brain. I don't like wasting time but also feel contemplation is a valuable use of time. Many issues are sorted inside my head long before they manifest in the exterior world. I love the beauty of objects but am happiest seeing them in a store window or someone else's home. I don't need to own most things to appreciate their design or useful value. I have never understood keeping up with the Jones since they are not me and we have different tastes and needs. The silliest bumper sticker ever "how who dies with the most toys wins" wins? Wins what? A lifetime of clutter, debt and storage for the folks at "Storage wars to bid over?" Nonsense...well I'd stay and chat longer but, I have papers to get filed and a garage that won't declutter and organize itself.

  2. ellenscottgrable,

    Thanks so much for sharing. I can relate to you very well, so I was happy to read your comment. While I'm not an artist by profession, I write poetry and of course, blog, sew and decorate. INTJs are perceived to be strictly cerebral, but you are confirmation that they can be creative as well. I think you have a wonderful balance of creativity, organization, planning and results.

  3. Apparently, I'm an INTJ, according to several tests I've taken online. I absolutely hate clutter. Although I live in a relatively big house, I love the fact that I have very few items laying around. You can literally hear the echo when you speak. I do however collect guitars. When my ex moved out and took a whole lot of stuff, I actually waited a long time to see if I really needed a microwave, a toaster, a coffee table,... She had a tendency to buy and collect a lot of stuff that I would consider trivial or useless (candles, decorative items, kitchen appliances that she would never use, etc...).

    I have to admit that one of the reasons I have bringing stuff into the house is that I have a hard time making the decision to get rid of things.

    I still have no need for a coffee table but I did buy a new microwave.
